Save Money on Vet Visits with a Wellness Plan

People who choose to add a new puppy to their home, need to ensure their new pup will grow up healthy and happy. Puppies require more care and attention than adult dogs, which is why they also require more visits to the vet. Over the course of the first year of a puppy's life, the vet costs can add up to quite a bit of money. Fortunately, there are services designed to help defray the cost of the medical attention a puppy needs during its crucial first year of development. The Banfield Wellness Plan is designed to reduce the cost of the medical services used during the first year of a pup's life.

Ensuring a Puppy's Health

Regardless of where a puppy is acquired from, the first thing the new pet owners need to do is have it examined by a professional vet. Fleas and ear mites are common issues with new puppies. These little creatures are easily transferred from one animal to another, which is why even the best pet stores will recommend having the pup examined. The Banfield Wellness Plan covers the physical exams given during the first year of the puppy's life. It also covers all of the required vaccinations given during this first year.

How to Save Money on Vet Costs

The easiest way to save money on the high cost of taking a new puppy to the vet, is to enroll in the Banfield Wellness Plan. The price for early care services will require a membership fee, as well as monthly payments. In exchange for enrolling in the plan, pet owners will receive a significant savings on the cost of taking their pet to the vet, which include free office visits. This is especially helpful when having a puppy neutered or spayed during the first year.